Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Explainer Videos: A Representative Study

Explainer videos focus on efficiently transferring knowledge in a short amount of time, using elements of storytelling and a multi-sensory experience. As of 2017, video content is projected to make up 3⁄4 of all data transfer on the Internet. Now more than ever, it has become increasingly important for businesses to understand the potential benefits and impact that video content can have for them.  

Explainer Videos as a Learning Tool

To gain further insight on the efficiency of explainer videos, a study was conducted by Dr. Andreas Krämer – a marketing and strategy consultant as well as a professor of Customer Value Management and Pricing, and Dr. Sandra Böhrs – an entrepreneur and marketing specialist as well as CMO of the simpleshow group.

An online survey was conducted in Germany and the U.S. with approximately 2,012 interviewees. The study focused on the use of e-learning in general, explainer videos, and an experimental test on the effectiveness and efficiency of five different video formats.


The Use of E-learning and Explainer Videos

The first topic of the survey focused on the market potential for online courses. Results showed that video format as a learning tool has become increasingly popular.

Especially in Germany, a high percentage of people had prior awareness of explainer videos. Seventy-one percent of German respondents, and 47% of U.S. respondents already knew what explainer videos were. An even higher percentage expressed the intent to watch explainer videos in the future, with 73% of German interviewees, and 62% of U.S. interviewees expressing the interest to watch again.

The study found that the preference for watching videos over reading text for information intake was high, particularly in younger demographics. This suggests a growing market potential for businesses to use videos, as well as online courses.


The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Video

The second topic investigated the effectiveness and efficiency of five different explainer video formats to improve the knowledge of the viewer.

In the study, five test groups of German and American respondents each watched one video about the U.S. presidential election. Each video presented complicated content in a condensed form. The respondents were asked questions before and after they viewed the video to test their knowledge on the subject.

The post-test confirmed that a significant improvement in the respondent’s knowledge level of the subject was achieved after viewing the explainer video. German interviewees showed a 44% improvement in knowledge, while U.S. interviewees showed a 22% increase in knowledge. They also expressed a relatively high degree of satisfaction with the experience. Fifty-three percent of German participants said they felt better informed after watching the explainer video.


Overall Results and Findings

The study suggests that watching videos about a specific subject can have positive effects on the viewer’s interest and involvement in the topic presented, as well as in their personal will to act. Evidence supports that watching explainer videos leads to a significant increase in knowledge about the topic. 

There are certain factors to consider that may impact the effectiveness of video content. The efficiency of explainer videos differs with their formats, as well as with the viewer’s prior knowledge of the subject. Learning effects appear to be highest when the viewer’s initial interest and knowledge about the topic are relatively low.

Overall, the explainer video format proved to be effective at transferring knowledge, viewers were satisfied with their experience, and showed interest in using this format again. These results indicate there is high potential for businesses and educators to use explainer videos as a way of impacting consumers, and increasing knowledge and involvement on particular topics.
