
mysimpleshow Classroom: How university students can communicate their knowledge

How to create a great explainer video with mysimpleshow – that’s what mysimpleshow’s Marlene und Marc explained to first-year students at Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany in October of 2018. In keeping with the topic of the “Digital Futures” conference, they pleaded for an efficient communication of knowledge. Also, they presented mysimpleshow Classroom, the free of charge explainer video solution for educational institutions. Marlene reports:




Isn’t it crazy, how much we humans know? Every day, science comes closer to answering big and small questions. And at the same time, each and every one of us is making personal progress. We learn – through education, through new experiences, and from other people.


Marc and I were standing at the lectern of the impressive Audimax of Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany. In front of us: about six hundred first-year students. For them, a new phase of life begins. They will study, unfold, and will develop new ideas. In a few years, they will be entrepreneurs, psychologists, or engineers.


But: What will all their knowledge be worth, if they do not share it with others? What will their ideas mean, if they do not express them? “Communication of knowledge is essential,” I emphasize. We humans would not have made it this far if we had not shared our experiences. But it is not an easy task.



In today’s age, so much information pours into us that we cannot help but ignore most of them. If we want to reach others, we are faced with two problems at once: We have to be understood, and for that, we have to be listened to first. How can we raise attention in that jungle of information? Through simplicity, brevity, and storytelling.


mysimpleshow enables us to reach others with our ideas. In no time a convincing, sympathetic and catchy explainer video can be created. All you need is content in the form of text, which is then automatically visualized and animated. In the mysimpleshow Classroom account, this can be done in a team. With up to 50 team members who can use the full range of creative features, knowledge bites in video form are created within minutes.


Explainer videos raise interest and are able to present any topic, no matter how complex, in an understandable way. They anchor knowledge in the memory of the target group. They are the answer to the question of how communication can succeed in the digital future – and the digital present!


“Digital Futures” is also the topic of the Opening Week at the University of Lüneburg. Following our lecture, the students created visionary contributions with mysimpleshow Classroom. A few examples included videos about autonomous driving, fake news, or digital identity. Marc and I not only talked about the opportunities of using explainer videos, but also showed the students a few tricks on how to make their simpleshow video work particularly well. Because you can learn to explain.


I am convinced that the communication of knowledge can change everything – that’s why I work at simpleshow! And that’s why Marc and I do everything we can to ensure that everyone, especially students tag along. In a few years, these young people will graduate. I hope that they will then share their knowledge with us.


The Opening Week ends with a festive handover of the best mysimpleshow videos to Bernd Althusmann, the Lower Saxony Minister for Digitization. We proudly present the three winning videos right here:





And we are:


Sharing simpleshow knowledge – that’s what Marlene and Marc from the simpleshow academy are all about. Whether universities or companies, they like leaving the cradle of explanation (simpleshow’s office 😉 ) and swarm out for their mission.



