A laptop with a graduation hat displays a video player pointed to by a mouse cursor.

DIY Learning at Work Using Video

We are all a part of a team, a business, a company, or an institution in some way or another. We work cooperatively, individually, and maybe even globally. Maybe we’ve had some form of education that prepared us for the work we are doing today, or maybe the path to the present wasn’t so clear. Either way: we are never fully developed, because learning never stops! We have to stay updated and may need to learn about some new tools and tricks without going back to a higher education facility. This is where DIY learning comes into play. Nowadays, the Internet provides us with millions of resources to incorporate such strategies in our development. One important resource is video, and there are various areas that reap the benefits of using video as a DIY tool.

Corporate learning and training

You may want your team to learn about the company’s strategy, policy, or anything relatable. You may have asked a company to create these videos for you, but they lack satisfaction. Why not create your own videos, where you can overlook its process and make it precise and meaningful? You can adjust and adapt by creating your own explainer videos with tools like mysimpleshow. Its templates give you a variety of suggestions and guide you through it. This will prevent an overload of information or disorganized product in the end. It’s sharp, precise, simple, and effective. Include your team in the process of creating video, have them be a part of it. You can set up a training including videos that the employees can access and teach themselves.

Master your own learning

A young woman sitting at her desk, looking at a video player floating in the air above her laptop.We learn best when we are masters of our own learning: it’s all about autonomy and using video as a source. You allow people to be autonomous learners, they can choose the time when they want to start a training session or learn about a field. You give them the chance to start the video whenever it suits them, pause it if they would like to look something up or simply need a break, rewind when not fully understood or forgotten, and fast forward when already known or irrelevant for the specific purpose. We all want to feel in control, and that can be achieved using video because learners are less dependent and more comfortable.


Taking this mastery of your own learning even further, videos are also accessible all the time and everywhere: on your phone, computer, laptop, or tablet. You can choose any time to learn about a new tool, skill, or find new inspiration. It furthermore allows you to research specific information when you are working. Haven’t we all encountered the moment when we are sitting at our computers working on a project and we simply forget a keyboard shortcut, how to insert an image, draw a specific arrow, or attach a document? Videos again can be your savior. Quickly accessed online, you can review shortcuts, use a ‘how to video’, look at an explainer tool or even create your own quick video for your next meeting with your colleagues to address a topic.

The opportunities are endless and they are right in front of you. Make use of tools like mysimpleshow and videos in general as a means for DIY learning. Your working space is your learning space and there is always room for personal and professional development.